E.A. Koetting

E.A. Koetting


E.A. Koetting is a black magician, best-selling occult author, videographer, and mentor in the Dark Arts and practical magick. Eric has authored nearly two dozen books on the occult, and has expanded his teachings into the cutting edge of educational technology, pushing video and audio further than ever. Koetting has flooded the internet with live ritual videos, videoblogs, podcasts, and livestreams, all free through YouTube, in addition to his premium video training courses, teaching secrets of evocation, divination, soul travel, witchcraft, and demonism.

Eric has personally mentored thousands of people from every spiritual path and walk of life, through workshops, seminars, personal consultations, custom rituals, and even through his unique in-person black magick bootcamp. In 2012 Koetting teamed up with tech and commerce genius Timothy Donahue to create the revolutionary platform called Become A Living God, through which E.A. uploads all of the forbidden knowledge, insights, and secrets gained throughout his life's work, accessible to anyone who dares to wield the powers of the most ancient gods and the most hated devils.



Past Shows:

  • Medical Corruption & Coronavirus / Practicing Black Magic

    Kent Heckenlively and Judy Mikovits shared revelations about coronavirus and medical corruption. Followed by E.A. Koetting on his black magick practice.More »
  • Evocations & the Occult

    Lifelong student and practitioner of various spiritual traditions including the occult, black magic, Hinduism, and voodoo, E.A. Koetting, discussed the use of evocations, and other occult rituals, as well as astral travel. First hour guest, author Bill White talked about...More »