Phillip H. Krapf

Phillip H. Krapf


Phillip H. Krapf worked for 25 years as an editor on the Metro copy desk at the Los Angeles Times. During that time, he shared in a Pulitzer Prize as a member of the Metro team that covered the L.A. riots of 1992. Before his retirement in 1993, Krapf had spent a total of 30 years in the newspaper business, starting out as a cub reporter and eventually becoming the managing editor of a suburban newspaper in the San Fernando Valley, before moving on to the L.A. Times.



Past Shows:

  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 6/7/02 when author Phillip Krapf spoke about his contacts with a group of ETs known as the Verdants.More »
  • Guardian Angel or ET?

    Appearing in the middle two hours, Phillip Krapf, formerly with the L.A. Times news staff, discussed his encounters with Paul, a being who claimed to be his guardian angel. Paul had the ability to materialize at will, and spent many hours conversing and counseling him, he...More »
  • Delayed Contact

    Former LA Times editor Phillip H. Krapf shared his story of contact with the extraterrestrial race he called the "Verdants." Extracted by a "calming" beam of light from his bedroom in 1997, he said he found himself "standing in a strange sphere in front of some very strange...More »