Kris Spisak

Kris Spisak


An editor and author dedicated to helping other writers, Kris Spisak, fully believes that well-written words and well-told stories have always changed the world and that they will continue to. She was inspired by her family’s experience in the post-WWII Ukrainian diaspora to deep dive into the mythical shapeshifter known as the Baba Yaga — an old hag and an enchantress, a demon and wish granter, and even a feminist.



Past Shows:

  • 9-11 Responders & Societal Chaos / Baba Yaga

    Founder of a non-profit organization helping law enforcement, Michael Letts, discussed 9-11 first responders and societal chaos in America. Followed by author Kris Spisak on Baba Yaga, an enigmatic witch and trickster from Slavic folklore.More »

Last Night

Mysterious Encounters / Royal Family & UFOs
Mysterious Encounters / Royal Family & UFOs
Researcher Greg Lawson discussed his book, Messages from Mothman, which explores the realm of premonitions and other mysterious encounters. Followed by filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee who reported on the British Royal family's interest in UFOs and the paranormal.


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