Kristof Smeyers

Kristof Smeyers


Historian at the University of Louvain, Belgium, Kristof Smeyers, has written books on varied subjects such as economic history, the histories of animals such as ravens and wolves, and supernatural bodies in the 19th and 20th centuries. He has looked into modern cases of stigmata - bodily marks, scars, or pains that appear on a person in the same places as the wounds of Jesus Christ during his crucifixion, and the controversy created when they appear on individuals.



Past Shows:

  • Investigating Cryptids / Stigmata Cases

    Cryptid and paranormal investigator Tex Wesson shared details of his investigations and personal encounters. Followed by historian Kristof Smeyers on cases of stigmata, as well as demonic possession and exorcisms.More »

Last Night

Fuzzy Logic / Reptilians / Working with Veterans
Fuzzy Logic / Reptilians / Working with Veterans
Professor Bart Kosko explained the concept of fuzzy logic and how it relates to AI. Followed by UFO researcher John Rhodes, who spoke about Reptilians. Dannion Brinkley then shared how to help our country's veterans.


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