Lee Lapin

Lee Lapin


Lee Lapin works as a private detective, certified voice stress analyst, and is licensed as a surveillance consultant. He has written 23 books, that include six or seven on the fields of electronic surveillance, black bag entry techniques, physical surveillance, and personal intelligence gathering. He has produced a number of videos on these same subjects and has the capability to write, consult or demonstrate most of the latest techniques and equipment in both government and private arenas.

Lee has worked with several agencies, both public and private, helping to develop surveillance and tracking equipment and techniques. His works ("letters on file") are employed as textbooks by many of the world's major intelligence agencies including the CIA, KGB and MOSSAD, the Justice Department, IRS, ATF, even the FBI. In addition, Lee has appeared on several national talk shows and has been featured on the front page of the NY Times, in People Magazine, Associated Press, and in many other magazines and newspapers.



Past Shows:

  • Surveillance & Privacy Invasion

    Private investigator and electronic engineer Lee Lapin shared the latest tricks and techniques of surveillance used by the world's best agents and trackers. Optical surveillance, which is often legal, has had significant advancements in recent years.More »

Last Night

Disasters & the Electric Grid / Sword Swallowing & Weird Tales
Disasters & the Electric Grid / Sword Swallowing & Weird Tales
History professor William R. Forstchen spoke about preparedness, hardening the energy grid, and what we can learn from recent disasters. Followed by author Marc Hartzman with tales of the unusual, including the history of sword swallowing.


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