Bob Larson

Bob Larson


Bob Larson is an expert on cults, the occult and supernatural phenomena. He has lectured in more than 80 countries and has appeared on several television programs. Bob's latest book, Larson's Book of World Religion & Alternative Spirituality, explores more than one hundred non-Christian religious movements, covering everything from Islam to feng shui to reincarnation. Bob analyzes the history, practices, and appeals of each movement and evaluates its belief system from a Christian perspective using biblical criteria.



Past Shows:

  • Exorcisms & Demonic Possession

    Expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena, Rev. Bob Larson discussed his work with exorcisms and the demonically possessed.More »
  • Exorcising Demons

    Bob Larson, an expert on cults and supernatural phenomena, returned for a discussion about exorcisms and demonic possession.More »