Richard Lawrence

Richard Lawrence


Richard Lawrence has accumulated a unique breadth of knowledge and experience in all things mind, body and spirit including the area of UFOs. Richard was Lord Kimberley's speech writer during the House of Lords UFO debate in 1979 and was the first to bring declassified CIA and Pentagon UFO Files to Britain in 1980. He launched a successful campaign in the US for release of UFO data from the FAA in 1987, and was the first to reveal Soviet Union UFO papers in Britain in 1990. Richard became the paranormal expert on London News Radio and co-authored Contacts with the Gods from Space with George King in 1996. He has conducted lecture tours all over the world, and has been a keynote speaker at The International Festivals for Mind-Body-Spirit in London for over 20 years. Richard is currently the secretary of the Aetherius Society in Europe.



Past Shows:

  • Mafia Spies / UAP Hearings

    Journalist Thomas Maier discussed how two gangsters were hired by the CIA to kill Fidel Castro. Followed by paranormal expert Richard Lawrence with analysis of the recent UAP hearing.More »
  • History of Dinosaurs / UFO Disclosure & Contacts

    American paleontologist Steve Brusatte discussed the history of dinosaurs and the rise of mammals in their wake. Followed by UK paranormal expert Richard Lawrence on UFO disclosure and cases.More »
  • Tesla & Ozone Technology / UFOs, Jesus, & the Bible

    Marc J. Seifer discussed Nikola Tesla and his revolutionary ozone technology. Followed by Richard Lawrence on biblical accounts & UFOs, and the contactee Dr. George King.More »
  • Alternative Health / UFOs & Multiple Dimensions

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health approaches. Followed by Richard Lawrence on UFOs and ET contactee George King.More »
  • ET Contacts & Communications

    British paranormal expert Richard Lawrence discussed ET contacts and communications, UFO disclosure, and ancient reports of UFOs. He spoke about various contactees such as George Adamski, and George King, who founded the Aetherius Society and channeled messages from benevolent...More »
  • George King & The Aetherius Society

    UK paranormal expert Richard Lawrence returned for a discussion about contactee George King, and the Aetherius Society which King founded.More »
  • ET Transmissions

    Paranormal expert, Richard Lawrence spoke extensively about the founder of The Aetherius Society, the late George King, whom he was acquainted with for many years. King was known for his deep trance states where he would transmit messages from benevolent entities who occupied...More »
  • Mind Over Matter

    "ET's don't just come from other planets, they come from other planes," said Richard Lawrence, a UK paranormal expert who appeared on Thursday night's show. "It's physical to them," Lawrence added connecting this idea to UFOs which are often seen blinking on and off.More »