Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 1/16/02 when hypnotist Vincent Lords spoke about his strange experiences involving healing and levitation.More »
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 1/16/02 when hypnotist Vincent Lords talked about his weird experiences after beating David Blaine's record of being buried alive for 12 days, including healing abilities and levitation.More »
Mark Hazlewood has written a book entitled "Blindsided Planet X Passes in2003 EARTHCHANGES!" Planet X is inbound. Its approach is currently causingEarth to experience a long list of seismic, volcanic, and weather relatedproblems. When X passes in the spring of 2003, Earth's...More »
Field archaeologist Titus Kennedy shared his latest work in biblical archaeology. Followed by astrologer Leslie McGuirk on astrology insights and what she sees coming this year.