Lori Garver

Lori Garver


Lori Garver is a renowned aerospace policy analyst, business executive & philanthropic founder, with experience leading innovative teams in government, non-profit and private sector organizations. Ms. Garver is the founder of Earthrise Alliance, an initiative to improve policy and technical solutions that utilize space data to address the climate crises. She is a Senior Fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School, an Executive Residence at Bessemer Venture Partners, a Member of the Board of Hydrosat and an Advisory Board Member at World View. Garver co-founded the Brooke Owens Fellowship and serves on the selection committee of the Pritzker Environmental Genius Award.



Past Shows:

  • NASA & Space Industry / UFO Disclosure

    Former advisor on aerospace issues Lori Garver shared her insights on NASA, and how the US space industry has been transformed. Followed by ufologist and activist Steve Bassett on congressional hearings on UFOs, and the latest moves toward disclosure.More »