Lynette Hill

Lynette Hill


In the year 2021, amidst worldwide fear, chaos, riots, and economic shutdowns resulting from the COVID-19 global pandemic, Lynette Hill was diagnosed with cancer. Her scans were not the scans of a person who lives, the medical specialists said, and because of the medical policies put in place to stop the spread of COVID, much of her treatment was administered without the presence of her family or loved ones.



Past Shows:

  • The UFO Paradox / Overcoming Cancer

    Independent journalist Keith Thompson discussed UFO sightings and other paranormal experiences. Followed by Lynette Hill, who detailed her journey into the world of cancer and natural medicines.More »

Last Night

Supernatural Awareness / Open Lines
Supernatural Awareness / Open Lines
Clinical psychologist and certified hypnotherapist Dr. Fredrick Woodard discussed his book, Developing Your Supernatural Awareness. The latter half of the program was devoted to Open Lines.


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