Lynn Monet

Lynn Monet


World-renowned author, Lynn Monèt is a paranormal consultant and lecturer specializing in hauntings, dying, death, and the afterlife. She is an empath with the ability to see frequencies, inter-dimensionally most cannot. She’s been a nurse for over 20 years in management, end of life care, and geriatrics. She also holds a degree in biological science. She currently has four books out, all are 5-rated, and is getting ready to release a fifth book, to add to her Omnipresent series.



Past Shows:

Last Night

UFO Revelations / Past Lives & Metaphysics
UFO Revelations / Past Lives & Metaphysics
Author and filmmaker L.A. Marzulli updated his work on the interplay between supernatural phenomena, UFOs, and biblical prophecy. Followed by psychic Loren Cielo on his journey into the world of past lives and metaphysical understanding.


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