Bruce Maccabee

Bruce Maccabee


U. S. Navy Research Physicist Bruce Maccabee is the author of The UFO/FBI Connection, The Secret History of the Government's Cover-Up. Bruce received his Ph.D. in Physics from American University, Washington, D. C., in 1970. He was hired by the U. S. Department of Navy to be a physics researcher at what was then called the Naval Ordnance Laboratory (NOL). That name was later changed to the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division where Dr. Maccabee has worked ever since. Dr. Maccabee says, "With FOIA releases and document leaks, we're learning more about what happened years ago then they knew years ago."



Past Shows:

  • Technical Dowsing / Green Fireballs

    Paul H. Smith discussed remote viewing and Technical Dowsing. Bruce Maccabee reported on the mysterious phenomenon known as "green fireballs."More »
  • Extreme Thinkers/ UFO History & Sightings

    Jamie Bartlett spoke about radical groups and future trends. Bruce Maccabee analyzed a historic UFO sighting. Cheryl Costa discussed UFO data.More »
  • UFOs Across History/ Real X-Files

    Chris Aubeck, UFO researcher and author of "Return to Magonia," joined George Knapp to discuss UFO cases from the last 500 years, showing that reality can be more interesting than any popular catch-all theory. First hour guest, US Navy physicist, Bruce Maccabee, discussed...More »
  • UFOs, CIA & FBI

    Not only have the FBI and CIA investigated UFOs, but both agencies have actively tried to conceal this from the public. Dr. Bruce Maccabee, U.S. Navy research physicist, joined George Knapp to discuss his study of FOIA releases and document leaks, which, when combined with...More »
  • UFO Cases, Skeptics, and Photos

    Retired U.S. Navy research physicist Bruce Maccabee joined George Knapp (email) to discuss his extensive research on UFOs, including international cases, his take on debunkers, and analysis of alleged photos of unidentified flying objects. On the subject of UFO cases, he talked...More »
  • UFO Cases & Tesla

    Researcher Dr. Bruce Maccabee discussed several UFO cases he has analyzed in depth as well as his study of Tesla's works. A 1976 incident in Iran involved jet fighters chasing a unknown bright object which apparently disabled the jets' electronics, he reported. The 2004 episode...More »
  • UFO Roundtable

    Linda Moulton Howe, Grant Cameron, Bruce Maccabee, and Bob Wood joined together for a UFO Roundtable which covered crash retrievals, government documents & secrecy & ET motivations.More »

Last Night

Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Philosopher and author Chris Carter presented compelling arguments supporting the reality of an afterlife. Followed by astrophysicist, farmer, and witch Debra L. Burris, who shared her unique approach to weather magic.


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