William E. Marks

William E. Marks


William E. Marks is an editor, publisher, water philosopher, and was raised on an organic farm. In the early 1970s, as a student at Fairleigh Dickinson University, he researched fish kills and industrial pollution. As a result, a major industry pled guilty after being indicted by a Federal Grand Jury based on Marks' water sample and photographic evidence under the 1899 Refuse Act. He was subsequently honored by the United States Environmental Protection Agency with the Citizen Activist Of The Year award.

After college he traveled Europe and Northwest Africa in order to grasp the significance of the early industrial revolution and old world water management methods. Upon returning to the U.S., he worked as Senior Environmental Analyst for the City of Newark developing programs for storm water runoff; public water supply, and derelict barge and pier removal.

William resigned from Newark to do a self-defined coast-to-coast horseback odyssey across America entitled, "Ride for Nature" - to help raise water consciousness. The trek used a lead horse and packhorse; lasted for 20 months; passed through 25 states, and traversed over 7,000 miles while living outside full time. During the journey, Marks spoke before audiences at college campuses; ranch and equestrian associations; civic organizations; Rotary; chambers of commerce; Lions clubs; museums, and many others. "Ride For Nature" received major national and international media attention.

He was Founder/President of Martha's Vineyard's first State-Certified water testing laboratory and environmental consulting firm named - Vineyard Environmental Protection, Inc., and Founder/President (15 years) of Vineyard Environmental Research, Inst., where he researched acid rain and groundwater mobilization of metals with grants from USEPA; American Water Works Association; New England Water Works Association, and performed coastal erosion and sea level research with scientists from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.

In the mid-1980s he was responsible for saving 3 of Martha's Vineyard's lighthouses from being torn down so they may be opened to the public and preserved for maritime history, while also protecting the surrounding ecosystems. After giving testimony before Congress - he was successful in having three of the island's five lighthouses transferred to the organization he founded - Vineyard Environmental Research, Institute.

Mr. Marks served as Chair of the Greenlands Committee, which saved 400 acres from dense housing development over Martha's Vineyard's only drinking water aquifer. His authorship of the town of West Tisbury's first Open Space Plan was crucial in qualifying Greenlands for state conservation aquifer protection funding; as well, he authored the Open Space Plan for the town of Edgartown, for the protection of fragile ecosystems, wetlands, vistas, and endangered species; in the early 1980s he undertook a study of all of the island's underground fuel tanks and authored local by-laws for protecting underground and coastal waters from leaking fuel tanks.

Mr. Marks is the only official from Martha's Vineyard ever elected to the Board of the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions, for the protection of wetlands in over 300 communities statewide. He also received the community Groundwater Guardian Award from the international Groundwater Foundation, which was presented by Gilbert M. Grosvenor, Chairman of the Board of National Geographic Society. He is also recipient of the "Water Hero Award" from the World Water Rescue Foundation, and is an international water advisor to the Board of the Women International Coalition Organization based in the UK.

He founded and published 'Martha's Vineyard Magazine' and 'Nantucket Magazine' for 6 years. Both magazines had an environmental emphasis. He is author of the History of Wind Power on Martha's Vineyard, and The Holy Order of Water, Healing Earth's Waters and Ourselves, a philosophical, spiritual, healing book - and writes water articles and poetry for regional; national, and international publications, including 5 articles for The Encyclopedia of Water recently published by John Wiley & Sons. Mr. Marks is Editor/Publisher of Water Voices from Around The World, a book with contributions from profound water researchers and photographers from around the globe.

He continues to conduct water research, travel, perform Native American flute, and speak around the world. He has traveled and researched water in Europe; Morocco; Algeria; Australia; Canada; Mexico; Israel; Jordan; United Kingdom; United States; Ireland, and other countries. He is currently involved with 3 documentaries for television, DVD, and theatrical release in 2008.


Past Shows:

  • Neo-Darwinism & Academic Suppression

    Film Producer of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (view movie trailers), Mark Mathis discussed his research into how the academic world treats university scientists, professors, and researchers who question the theory of Neo-Darwinism. According to Mathis, there has been a...More »

Last Night

Metabolic Balance / Electronic Voice Phenomena
Metabolic Balance / Electronic Voice Phenomena
In the first half, Jane Durst-Pulkys, PhD, Metabolic Balance Kitchen author and ambassador, joins guest host Connie Willis (info) to discuss what she believes is the cause of all disease and how to combat it. In the second half, paranormal investigator and author Anthony F....


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