Jim Marrs

Jim Marrs


Jim Marrs is an award-winning journalist and has over 30 years experience with several Texas newspapers. In 1999, he began teaching a course on UFOs, perhaps one of the first university level UFO courses in the nation. Jim also investigated the U.S. Army's remote viewing program three years before it was publicly acknowledged by the CIA and then produced "Alien Agenda." In addition, his book, "Rule by Secrecy," has been termed an "underground best-seller".



Past Shows:

  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 6/11/97 when researcher Jim Marrs revealed the extraterrestrial agenda.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell - Somewhere in Time returned to 6/11/97 when Jim Marrs discussed the alien agenda.More »
  • Dearly Departed Special IV

    George Noory presented excerpts from classic shows to celebrate the lives of Coast guests who are no longer with us.More »
  • Illuminati Secrets/ Ghost Investigations

    Journalist Jim Marrs discussed the secret order of the Illuminati, followed by paranormal researcher Gavin Kelly who talked about his investigations.More »
  • Secret Space Program/ Lost Treasures

    In the first half, author and journalist Jim Marrs discussed the latest on the secret space program and alleged missions to Venus using covert technology. In the latter half, crime scene investigator by day, and forbidden archaeology buff by night, Paul Rimmasch, updated...More »
  • Aurora UFO Crash/ Quantum Science & Spirit

    In the first half, author and journalist Jim Marrs discussed the Aurora, Texas UFO crash of 1897, which he considers to be the "smoking gun" of the UFO issue. In the latter half, Mark Anthony the "Psychic Lawyer," a medium who specializes in communication with spirits,...More »
  • New World Order Agenda

    Richard Syrett was joined by two experts on the New World Order, Jim Marrs and Jeffrey Grupp. the first half, Marrs discussed signs of the NWO in America, such as the Denver International Airport and the Georgia Guidestones. During the second half, Grupp argued that the United...More »
  • Population Control/ Symbolism in Cinema

    In the first half of the program, investigative journalist Jim Marrs discussed his latest work which details the global elite's most audacious plot yet: a conspiracy to reduce the world's population to 500 million people. In the latter half, historian, antiquarian,...More »
  • Hidden History & JFK Assassination

    In the first half, George Knapp welcomed investigative journalist Jim Marrs to discuss his extensive research into the JFK assassination, as well as how human civilization may have originated with non-humans who visited Earth. In the latter half, JFK assassination expert...More »
  • Ancient Astronauts

    Host Richard Syrett welcomed journalist and author Jim Marrs, who discussed his recent essay, "Unholy Alliance: Ancient Astronauts and the New World Financial Order," published in Lost Secrets of the Gods. In the first hour, zoologist and science writer Dr. Karl Shuker...More »
  • JFK Special XI

    Marking the 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, George Noory was joined by a different guest each hour, Jim Marrs, Walt Brown, Ph.D., Jerome Corsi, and Robert Morningstar, for a discussion on what occurred on November 22, 1963.More »
  • Suppressed Stories / Banking Cartels

    In the first half, author and journalist Jim Marrs talked about suppressed stories and conspiracies, and detailed secretive arms deals that the US and other countries conduct. In the latter half, former commodities trader and self described "guerrilla economist," "V,"...More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 6/11/97 when researcher Jim Marrs talked about the true nature of the ET agenda.More »
  • Our Hidden History

    Appearing during the middle two hours, author and journalist Jim Marrs discussed archeological discoveries that not only support the notion that human civilization originated from ETs, but that advanced civilizations have made Earth their home long before the recorded dates in...More »
  • New World Order Agenda

    George Knapp was joined by investigative journalist, Jim Marrs, who appeared for the full four hours and discussed his research into the elite's agenda for enslaving the human race. He dismissed concerns over being derisively labeled a "conspiracy theorist," because, in...More »
  • Media Control / Predictions

    In the first half, author Jim Marrs shared his concerns over corporate media control, and the decrease in journalistic standards. In the latter half, astrologer, author, and lecturer, Dr. Louis Turi, outlined the various ways we can navigate and control the future using our...More »
  • Suppressed News

    Author Jim Marrs discussed various conspiracy theories, and how events such as the ongoing deadly radiation from the Fukushima reactors and spraying of Corexit in the Gulf continue with little news coverage First hour guest, Founder of the Aboriginal Living Skills School,...More »
  • UFO Congress Special

    Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe presented guests from the International UFO Congress in Arizona, including Stanton Friedman, Jim Marrs, and Travis Walton. First hour guest, attorney Jonathan Emord shared updates on the combined efforts of the FDA & FTC to suppress...More »
  • The Elite's Conspiracy

    Journalist Jim Marrs made a case for why he believes there is a conspiracy of a handful of elite against the masses. According to Marrs, these elite wish to significantly reduce the number of people on the planet and control the rest. In the first hour, Michael Luckman,...More »
  • Conspiracies of New World Order

    Author and investigative journalist Jim Marrs talked about why he believes the International Elite are using economic collapse, man-made disease, and erosion of civil liberties to take down America. First hour guest, author and economist John R. Lott discussed the Supreme...More »
  • Conspiracies, Shadow Govt., & UFOs

    Investigative journalist Jim Marrs discussed a variety of topics and conspiracies, including sequestered UFO technology used by the Nazis during WWII. Last hour guest, publisher Giorgio Tsoukalos talked about his new History Channel TV show, Ancient Aliens.More »
  • Rebroadcast from 2/17/08

    In a rebroadcast from 2/17/08, George Knapp talked with investigative reporter Jim Marrs about UFOs, remote viewing, and the JFK assassination. Due to technical difficulties in Las Vegas, George Knapp's live program was postponed.More »
  • The Sisterhood of the Rose

    Investigative journalist and author Jim Marrs discussed his foray into fiction with his new book The Sisterhood of the Rose, which deals with a secret organization fighting the Nazis during World War II. During the first half hour, author Richard Sauder talked about...More »
  • Monsters & Creatures

    Folklore researcher Neil Arnold discussed his study of a surreal safari of monsters including winged humanoids, paranormal 'manimals,' hellhounds, Asian vampires, and other creatures. Last hour guests, author Jim Marrs and analyst Douglas Horne spoke about evidence for a...More »
  • JFK Special VII

    George Knapp presided over the 7th annual JFK Special, featuring three acclaimed Kennedy assassination researchers. He was joined by award-winning journalist Jim Marrs along with TV producer and critic John Barbour in the first half of the program, as well as conspiracy...More »
  • Conspiracies, Nazis, & UFOs

    Award-winning journalist Jim Marrs discussed the JFK assassination, UFOs, and the Nazi connection to secret technology & the power elite. There was a technology swap between Germany and the US after the war under such classified programs as Project Paperclip, and some of the...More »
  • Mysteries, Conspiracies, & Ancient Egypt

    Appearing for the first 2 ½ hours, researcher and author Jim Marrs spoke about his new book Above Top Secret, which outlines many of the alternative subjects discussed on the popular Internet forum, AboveTopSecret.com.Here is a sampling of his commentary:The Federal Reserve:...More »
  • Evidence for G.O.D.

    University of Arizona professor of psychology and neurology Dr. Gary Schwartz shared how he used science to conclude that nothing happens by chance and that some kind of organizing process must exist. Referring to this process as G.O.D. (Guiding-Organizing-Designing), he...More »
  • Russia Relations

    Ian was joined by writer David Hagberg, who talked about the former Soviet Union, US-Russia relations, and the Russian military mindset. Hagberg said Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has been using petrodollars to re-modernize Russia's military and refurbish their nuclear...More »
  • The 4th Reich in America

    Journalist and author Jim Marrs discussed his new book The Rise of the Fourth Reich, which posits that Nazi ideology threatens to overtake America. This authoritarian ideology-- that the end justifies the means, is practiced by various secret societies sometimes called the...More »
  • UFOs, Remote Viewing & the JFK Assassination

    Author and researcher Jim Marrs joined George Knapp (email) for a discussion on such topics as UFOs, remote viewing, and the JFK assassination. Marrs cited an interesting occurrence that predated the recent UFO controversy in Stephenville, TX-- the same small town had a...More »
  • Artificial Intelligence & The Singularity

    Self-described autodidact and co-founder of the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Eliezer Yudkowsky discussed the technological creation of the first smarter-than-human intelligence - what he calls the Singularity.More »
  • North American Union & 9/11

    Ian Punnett welcomed award-winning journalist Jim Marrs, who discussed the North American Union and how governmental efforts like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) are moving us closer to the creation of a collective governing body for the United States, Canada,...More »
  • Secret Door II

    In a night of "Secret Door" guests, six people made surprise appearances on the show.More »
  • JFK Assassination Special IV

    In a special 4-hour program, various guests individually presented information and conclusions about the conspiratorial aspects of the JFK assassination.More »
  • Alien & UFO Special

    The topic of UFOs and aliens was addressed by three separate guests as well as open lines callers.More »
  • Bilderberg Roundtable

    Filmmaker Alex Jones, researcher Jim Marrs and journalist Daniel Estulin participated in a roundtable discussion about the secretive Bilderberg Group, which recently met in Canada.More »
  • Secret Societies & 9-11 Footage

    Journalist and author Jim Marrs discussed his investigations into secret societies, Knights Templar and Solomon's treasure.More »
  • JFK, UFOs & 9-11

    Author and investigator Jim Marrs returned for a discussion surrounding the topics of JFK, UFOs and 9-11.More »
  • 'What If' Calls

    Inspired by Robert Frost's poem The Road Not Taken, George offered a 'What If' hotline for people who wanted to wax hypothetical about what could have been if past (or future?) events played out differently. Some of the callers' scenarios follow: What if... the South had...More »
  • Rebroadcast: UFO Crash Retrieval Conference

    In this rebroadcast from 11/12/04, George Noory and Linda Moulton Howe spoke to a variety of presenters at the 2nd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference.More »
  • UFO Crash Retrieval Conference

    In this 4-hour special, George Noory, in the L.A. studio, and Linda Moulton Howe (Earthfiles.com), broadcasting live from the UFO Crash Retrieval Conference in Las Vegas, interviewed several conference presenters.More »
  • Rebroadcast: JFK Panel

    In a rebroadcast of the 4-hour "JFK Panel" from 11/20/03, Jim Marrs, Jim diEugenio, Zach Shelton, and James Fetzer shared assassination theories and evidence.More »
  • Secret Societies

    Thursday night's show was a special one as Alex Jones, Linda Moulton Howe, Jim Marrs and Steve Quayle joined us for a five hour round table discussion about secret societies. According to Jim Marrs, "secret societies go all the way back to the caveman era...they can be traced...More »
  • The Ghosts of Roswell

    Author Jim Marrs shared his research into the "alien" ghosts of Roswell, as told to him by the employees of the New Mexico Rehabilitation Center. The Center, Marrs explained, sits on the site of the former Roswell Army Air Field Hospital, where alien bodies were allegedly taken...More »
  • JFK Assassination Special

    With the 40th anniversary of the JFK assassination just around the corner, Thursday's program featured 4 guests sharing their views of the shattering event. In the first hour, investigator Zach Shelton and journalist Jim Marrs appeared together. Shelton gave details of his...More »
  • Conspiracies & Cover-ups

    Author and investigator Jim Marrs delved into a variety of hidden agendas and absorbing topics when he appeared on Thursday's program.More »
  • Jim Marrs

    Jim Marrs unravels the mystery behind remote viewing, UFO's, time travel, the assassination of JFK, and the Soviet plot to kill Ronald Reagan and much more. Jim Marrs is a celebrated journalist and the author of Alien Agenda and the New York Times bestseller Crossfire.More »

Last Night

Reagan & Nixon / Open Lines
Reagan & Nixon / Open Lines
Author and speechwriter Ken Khachigian discussed his days working with former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program.


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