Richard Martini

Richard Martini


Author and award winning filmmaker Richard Martini has written and/or directed 9 indie films. A former free lance journalist for Variety, Inc.Com, Premiere and other magazines, a graduate of the Masters of Professional Writing Program at USC, FlipSide: A Tourist's Guide to the Afterlife is his debut non-fiction book on a topic that's been haunting him since the death of a soul mate.

After a dream vision of visiting his friend in the Great Beyond, Martini went on a literary quest to find out what the prevailing science and philosophical opinions on the Afterlife are. He journeyed into Tibetan Philosophy, made documentaries in Tibet and India, and eventually was introduced to the work of the Newton Institute, founded by renowned author and hypnotherapist Dr. Michael Newton ("Journey of Souls").




Past Shows:

  • Napoleon's US Exploration / Amelia Earhart Mystery

    Author Walter Bosley discussed Napoleon Bonaparte and his mysterious ties to North America. Followed by filmmaker Rich Martini with details on the fate of American aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart.More »
  • GMO Technologies / Other Side Communications

    Activist Jeffrey Smith shared his deep concerns about GMOs and their effect on health and the environment. Followed by author Richard Martini on his other realm conversations with aliens and the deceased.More »
  • Alternative Fuel & EVs / Otherworldly Communications

    Ecological biologist David Blume reported on biofuels and problems with electric vehicles. Followed by author and filmmaker Rich Martini on otherworldly communications.More »
  • UAP Revelations / Divine Councils

    Author and researcher Nick Pope shared updates and revelations about UAPs. Followed by journalist and filmmaker Rich Martini on 'Divine Councils' and hypnotherapy.More »
  • Big Bang & Intelligent Design / The Divine Council

    Author Stephen C. Meyer Ph.D. discussed data from the Webb Telescope, which further confirms that our universe had a beginning and how this relates to the theory of intelligent design. Followed by afterlife expert Rich Martini on his research into the Divine Council.More »
  • Numerology & Current Events / Afterlife Interviews

    Numerologist Glynis McCants offered analysis on the energy of 2022 and names in the news. Followed by journalist and filmmaker Rich Martini on his afterlife communications.More »
  • Secret Door XIV

    In this Secret Door special, George Noory interviewed a different guest each hour and tried to guess their identities. First through the door was rock journalist  Susan Masino. Followed by author Bill Forstchen, afterlife expert Richard Martini, and intuitive Susanne Wilson.More »
  • UFOs & Disclosure / Evidence of the Afterlife

    Paranormal historian Richard Dolan updated on UFOs, disclosure, and the current "fourth stage" in the human species. Followed by author Richard Martini on evidence of the afterlife and initiating conversations with the departed.More »
  • Tales of the Afterlife / Open Lines

    Filmmaker Rich Martini explored various aspects of the afterlife, including councils, Akashic records, and how to contact departed loved ones. Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program.More »
  • Secret Door Special XXII

    In a new edition of the 'Secret Door," George was visited by psychic Vincent Genna, magician Brandon Scott, and author Varla Ventura. First-hour guest Richard Martini discussed his research about the afterlife.More »
  • Afterlife Communications / Open Lines

    Rich Martini (YouTube Channel) discussed his afterlife research and what he has learned interviewing deceased celebrities. Open Lines followed.More »
  • Achieving Happiness / Afterlife Communications

    Alex Lickerman and Ash ElDifrawi discussed how to achieve enduring happiness. Followed by Rich Martini on his afterlife communications with celebrities.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Exploring the Afterlife

    Pharmacist Ben Fuchs shared alternative health tips. Followed by filmmaker Rich Martini on his explorations of the afterlife.More »
  • Afterlife Adventures/ Open Lines

    Journalist and filmmaker Rich Martini discussed his incredible journey searching for evidence of the afterlife via various means including hypnotherapy and past life regressions. He believes that those who have passed on can be contacted for information and advice and he...More »
  • Afterlife & NDEs/ Open Lines

    Author and filmmaker Rich Martini discussed his research into near-death experiences and the afterlife, as well as provided an update on his investigation into the disappearance of Amelia Earhart. Open Lines followed in the latter half of the show.More »
  • Trends Report/ Afterlife Research

    In the first half, founder and director of the Trends Research Institute, Gerald Celente, offered reports and analysis of what he sees on the horizon for the economy, the United States, and various world situations. In the latter half, author and filmmaker Rich Martini...More »
  • The Afterlife & Amelia Earhart

    Appearing during the first three hours, author and filmmaker Rich Martini discussed his research into the afterlife and provided an update on his investigation into the disappearance of Amelia Earhart.More »
  • Afterlife / Amelia Earhart / Comets

    In the first half, journalist and filmmaker Rich Martini shared revelations about the afterlife, as well as his extensive research uncovering the fate of Amelia Earhart. Appearing during the third hour, Prof. James McCanney presented updates on comets and extreme weather.More »
  • Afterlife & Reincarnation

    Journalist and filmmaker Rich Martini discussed his incredible journey finding evidence for the afterlife, life between lives, and "soul groups." He extensively interviewed Dr. Michael Newton, known for his pioneering work on life between lives. First hour guest, founder of...More »

Last Night

Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Philosopher and author Chris Carter presented compelling arguments supporting the reality of an afterlife. Followed by astrophysicist, farmer, and witch Debra L. Burris, who shared her unique approach to weather magic.


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