Peter Mathews

Peter Mathews


Peter Mathews has spent 30 years as a College and University Professor. Peter Mathews is a full-time Professor of Political Science at Cypress College, an adjunct Professor of Sociology at Long Beach City College, has taught at California State University, Fullerton, and is currently a featured Political Analyst and Contributing Partner on the "Head-On" Radio Show on KEIB AM 1150 in Los Angeles, California. During 2012 and 2013, Peter Mathews served as a Political Analyst on KTLK Progressive Talk Radio’s popular "The David Cruz Show" in Los Angeles.

Peter has served as a Political Analyst on KNBC-TV, KCBS-TV, KTLA-TV, CNN radio, KPFA radio and guest on KPFK radio, KPCC radio, and as a commentator on KNX News Radio and other venues. He is a contributing columnist for the Long Beach Register and on-line Orange County Register. Having lived, traveled, taught and conducted research in 27 countries including Britain, France, Denmark, Germany, Canada, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, India, and elsewhere, Peter Mathews has gained first-hand knowledge of public policy issues such as healthcare, education, economic development, international relations, and environmental sustainability in these and other societies.



Past Shows:

  • Dollar Democracy / Palmistry

    In the first half, college professor and political analyst Peter Mathews discussed the widening split between the rich and poor, and how America has become a "dollar democracy," with liberty and justice only for some of its citizens. In the latter half, founder of the...More »

Last Night

Decoding Dreams / Conspiracy Culture
Decoding Dreams / Conspiracy Culture
Modern mystic and author Theresa Cheung shared her insights on the significance of dreams. Followed by David Samuels, the editor of County Highway, who explored the rise of conspiracy theories and their effect on public trust.


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