Tricia McCannon

Tricia McCannon


Tricia McCannon is a renowned American clairvoyant, historian, author, and teacher who has traveled the world in search of answers to the greatest Mysteries of the Ages. As a dedicated researcher, and mystical symbologist in many ancient paths of wisdom, she is known as "the Mysteries Expert." Trained as an initiate of many ancient streams of knowledge, including mystical Christianity, Native American wisdom, the Shabda teachings of the Masters of the Far East, and the Goddess teachings, she has led workshops in transformation for thousands around the world.



Past Shows:

  • Mindfulness Techniques / Angel Encounters

    Psychotherapist Donald Altman discussed the epidemic of stress and how mindfulness can combat it. Followed by author and clairvoyant Tricia McCannon on the ways angels appear to humans and interact with them.More »
  • Russia & New Cold War / The Soul & Angelic Origins

    Stephen F. Cohen discussed US-Russia relations and the new Cold War. Followed by Tricia McCannon on the soul and afterlife realms.More »
  • Drone Wars/ Lost Civilizations & Antarctica

    Brett Velicovich reported on military drone technology. Followed by Tricia McCannon on ancient civilizations, Antarctica, and Atlantis.More »
  • Jesus' Lost Years/ Ancient ET Visitation

    Joining Jimmy Church (email) in the first half, Tricia McCannon, American clairvoyant, historian, and teacher offered evidence culled from hard-to-find Vatican texts that suggest Jesus spent seven years of study in Egypt among the highest spiritual initiates of his day, a number...More »
  • Creation & Ancient Origins

    Clairvoyant and historian Tricia McCannon and author Peter Canova talked about creation and the origin & destiny of humanity based on their synthesis of various mystical sources including Edgar Cayce, and the secret Judeo-Christian gospels, as well as the work of Zecharia...More »
  • Jesus' Early Years & Mystery Teachings

    Where was Jesus for the first 30 years of his life and what was he taught? These are among the questions explored when clairvoyant and historian Tricia McCannon joined us Christmas night with Ian Punnett. First hour guest, Bill Sweet, discussed the power of prayer.More »
  • Jesus & Ancient Mystery Schools

    Clairvoyant and historian Tricia McCannon talked about the hidden life of Jesus Christ, and how he was influenced by the ancient Mystery Schools. First hour guest, Richard C. Hoagland commented on new photos of the Martian moon Phobos, taken by the European Space Agency.More »