Joe McMoneagle

Joe McMoneagle


Joseph McMoneagle joined the U.S. Army and was recruited by the Army Security Agency for classified assignments. As a result of some unusual events in his life: a near-death experience, a UFO sighting, and numerous spontaneous out-of-body episodes, he became aware of his intuitive abilities and developed the skill of remote viewing. He later became one of the original Intelligence Officers recruited for the top-secret Army program now known as STARGATE. Following his retirement from the Army, he maintained his association with the STARGATE program through his own company, Intuitive Intelligence Applications, working as a remote viewing consultant to the Cognitive Sciences Laboratories at SRI-International and Science Applications International Corporation until the programs closure in November of 1995.



Past Shows:

  • Remote Viewing Feats

    Host Connie Willis (email) was joined by Joseph McMoneagle, known as the best Operational Remote Viewer in the history of the U.S. Army's Special Project-- Stargate. First hour guest, Philadelphia author, Thom Nickels (Amazon page), shared weird stories of the founding fathers...More »
  • Remote Viewing Observations

    George Knapp welcomed Joseph McMoneagle who is known as the best Operational Remote Viewer in the history of the U.S. Army's Special Project-- Stargate. While in the project, one of his most remarkable RV sessions was when he provided details about a top-secret Soviet...More »
  • Remote Viewing Targets

    Remote Viewer in the Army's Stargate Project and psychic, Joseph McMoneagle discussed his history with remote viewing as well as some of the targets he's worked on.More »

Last Night

Technology & Society / 'Doomsday Fish'
Technology & Society / 'Doomsday Fish'
Author Nick Begich discussed the state of the world, and profound changes in society and technology. Followed by Cheryll Jones with her interview of Professor Misty Paig-Tran on 'doomsday fish' and other strange sea creatures.


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