Elaine Mercado

Elaine Mercado


When Elaine Mercado and her first husband bought their home in Brooklyn, NY., in 1982, they had no idea that they and their two daughters were embarking on a 13-year nightmare. Grave's End is the true story of how one family tried to adjust to living in a haunted house. It also tells how,with the help of parapsychologist Dr. Hans Holzer and medium Marisa Anderson, they discovered the identities of the ghosts and were able to assist them to the "light." Elaine Mercado is a registered nurse, a CPR instructor, and certified clinical hypnotherapist. She continues to live in Gravesend with her husband, two daughters, and three pets.


Past Shows:

  • Haunted in Brooklyn

    It began with an ominous sense of being stared at said Elaine Mercado, who has documented her experiences living in a haunted home in Brooklyn in her book Grave's End. This Thursday night, she presented a spellbinding narrative of the disturbing events that occurred to her and...More »