Sherry Whitfield Merrell

Sherry Whitfield Merrell


Sherry Whitfield Merrell is Synergy’s (Crystal Skull) current caretaker. Her focus is on spiritual awareness and development, as well as the empowerment and validation of the individual. Sherry and Synergy’s work together is rooted in building a group vibration that encompasses compassion, acceptance and an ever increasing ability to give and receive love. Additionally, she has collaborated with scientific researchers at the University level, working to understand subtle energies and states of consciousness.



Past Shows:

  • Crystal Skulls Special

    A special show on the powers and mysteries of Crystal Skulls featured five different guests: Cece Stevens, Sherry Whitfield Merrell, Jane Doherty, Wachan,& Jaap van Etten, who will all be appearing at the upcoming Crystal Skulls Festival/World Mysteries Conference. First...More »