Richard Metzger

Richard Metzger


Richard Metzger is a cofounder of the Disinformation Company Ltd., a multi-media company responsible for publishing books like "You Are Being Lied to," "Everything You Know is Wrong" and "Why do People Hate America? . His long running website is the Internet's premiere portal to all things underground. He is also the host and director of the outrageous "Disinformation" television TV series that was broadcast for 2 years on a network in England and purchased, but never aired by the SCI FI Channel.




Past Shows:

  • Magick & the Occult

    Barbara Simpson welcomed Richard Metzger, the co-founder of the Disinformation Company, who discussed his latest volume, The Book of Lies, which has been described as a how-to-book for magician/warriors of the 21st century.More »