Brent Miller

Brent Miller


Brent Miller is an expert in ecommerce systems, advanced programming, database systems and business methodology. He has personally amassed over thirty United States patents for advancements in human interface recognition software, artificial intelligence applications and data transmission protocols and analysis. His interests thus far have moved him through several industry segments including finance, medicine, computers, robotics, and energy.

Military contracted organizations utilized him for advancing the capability of modern warfare - often assigning him to classified engagements including the design, enhancement and incorporation of the artificial intelligence systems into the F-16 fighter jet program. Brent now has a life-long dedication to The Horizon Project Research Team; working with many of the world's top researchers and scientists to unlock the greatest mysteries of our world.



Past Shows:

  • Coming Polar Shift

    George Knapp welcomed researcher Brent Miller, of The Horizon Project, who warned of mounting evidence that Earth is due for a polar shift which will end civilization as we know it.More »
  • Catastrophic Earth Changes

    Researcher Brent Miller of the Horizon Project discussed past evidence for sudden catastrophic earth changes, and warned we could be nearing another such event, possibly occurring in 2012. Calamities such as a pole shift are likely caused by passing space bodies altering Earth's...More »
  • The Coming Catastrophe

    An expert in such fields as advanced programming and database systems, Brent Miller discussed his involvement with The Horizon Project, which brings together numerous researchers and scientists.More »