Laura Lee Mistycah

Laura Lee Mistycah


Laura Lee Mistycah is known as "Witchy Woman." She has been in the healing arts for over twenty years and is the steward of "The Knights of Mistyc House." Laura teaches Knights Training courses and is also a solitary practitioner in Wicca but has recently morphed into more of a sorceress developing her own "magic" methods and tools to reverse spells, curses, black magic and voodoo.



Past Shows:

  • Neurosurgeon's NDE / Ghostbusting

    In the first half, neurosurgeon for the last 25 years, Eben Alexander, M.D., discussed his transcendental Near-Death Experience (NDE), in which he was driven to the brink of death and spent a week deep in coma in 2008 from a severe case of bacterial meningitis. In contrast to...More »
  • Debate: Science vs. Spirituality

    Caltech physicist Leonard Mlodinow and spiritual leader Deepak Chopra faced off in a passionate but respectful debate, addressing some of the most fundamental questions that have intrigued humanity for hundreds of years. First hour guests, 'Ghostbuster Gals' Ronnie Rennae...More »
  • Inner Earth, Egypt, & Consciousness

    Electrical Engineer and Doctor of Physics Brooks Agnew discussed ancient Egypt, new physics, cosmology, consciousness, and time travel. He also shared an update on his planned North Pole Inner Earth Expedition. Intuitive counselor Ronnie Rennae Foster and Wiccan...More »
  • Halloween Eve Open Lines

    In the first half hour, George spoke with Gary S. Paxton, producer of the 1962 hit song "Monster Mash." Next, intuitive counselor Ronnie Rennae Foster and Wiccan practitioner Laura Lee Mistycah (book link) talked about their ghostbusting efforts. A special Halloween Eve...More »