Kevin Mitnick

Kevin Mitnick


Kevin Mitnick is the world's most famous hacker, bestselling author, and the top cyber security speaker. Once one of the FBI's Most Wanted because he hacked into 40 major corporations just for the challenge, Kevin is now a trusted security consultant to the Fortune 500 and governments worldwide. He mentors leaders, executives, and staff on both the theory and practice of social engineering, topics on which he is a leading global authority. Kevin also helps consumers—from students to retirees— learn how to protect their information and themselves from harm.

As the CEO of Mitnick Security Consulting, Kevin, and The Global Ghost Team™ now maintain a 100 percent successful track record of being able to penetrate the security of any system they are paid to hack into using a combination of technical exploits and social engineering. Also in his role of Chief Hacking Officer of KnowBe4 he helps produce critically acclaimed security awareness training programs to counteract social engineering and to improve security effectiveness. Kevin is a global bestselling author and his books are availability in over 50 countries and 20 languages.



Past Shows:

  • Cybersecurity / The Heart of Human Potential

    Cybersecurity expert Kevin Mitnick discussed cybercrime and protecting ourselves against it. Followed by researcher Howard Martin, who shared the science linking heart function with health, emotional well-being, and intelligence.More »
  • Cybercrimes & Security / C2C Investigative Reports

    Kevin Mitnick discussed the history and future of cybercrimes. Cheryll Jones reported on clandestine experiments and sightings of a wolfman-type creature.More »
  • Cybercrime & Security / Afterlife Evidence

    Kevin Mitnick discussed cybercrime and online security. Followed by Dr. Claude Swanson on evidence for life after death.More »
  • Cyber-Crime/ Doctors' Miraculous Stories

    Computer expert Kevin Mitnick updated the evolving world of cyber-crime. Followed by Scott J. Kolbaba, MD, sharing physicians' miracle stories.More »
  • Ancient Forest, Mystery Bursts, ISON, & Crop Circles

    Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed the discovery of an ancient forest preserved by sand, mysterious radio bursts detected from beyond our galaxy, Comet ISON's close approach, and a new crop formation near Avebury. First hour guest, computer security expert...More »
  • Hacking & Technology

    The "most wanted" criminal of cyberspace at one time, Kevin Mitnick, told his story of how he turned from a renegade into respected security consultant, as well as offered commentary on various computer security and hacking issues in the news today. First hour guest, Mike...More »
  • The Mind & Quantum Techniques

    Psychologist Dr. Garland Landrith, whose research was cited in the movie What the Bleep, discussed how inner thoughts can alter the physical realm through various methods including mass consciousness experiments, prayer, and "tapping" techniques. First hour guest, computer...More »
  • God, Light, & Physics

    Author Lee Baumann M.D. described his evolution from an atheist to spiritual perspective, and presented the concept that God could be thought of as light. He cited studies in quantum physics, NDE encounters and religious accounts as all sharing similar descriptions of light....More »
  • Space: Missions & Ventures

    Space historian Robert Zimmerman shared his insights on such topics as the Shuttle mission, upcoming technology, and commercial ventures in space.More »
  • Computer-Related Topics

    Computer security expert Kevin Mitnick touched on a variety of computer- and security-related topics, including OS vulnerabilities and defenses, hacking, and government communication monitoring. Mitnick said all computer operating systems have flaws that can be exploited. If...More »
  • New England Poltergeist

    Paranormal investigator John Zaffis returned to the show, along with two witnesses, to discuss a significant poltergeist case that recently occurred to a New England family. A young girl going through puberty initially became the focus of unusual activity, with her heavy bed...More »
  • Real Hacking Stories

    World-famous hacker and 'vulnerability researcher,' Kevin Mitnick, provided a glimpse into the minds of hackers, as well as shared real hacking stories from his newest book, The Art of Intrusion. Mitnick said many hackers use "social engineering" to trick people into revealing...More »
  • Kevin Mitnick Update

    The first two hours of Friday's show featured reformed hacker and computer security expert Kevin Mitnick. He fielded calls from listeners and discussed this week's distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, which temporarily interrupted service to several popular web sites...More »
  • Hacking A to Z

    The world's most famous (reformed) hacker, Kevin Mitnick discussed how computer hackers nowadays can run the gamut from hardcore terrorists to teenagers trying to impress their friends. Telephone systems are also vulnerable and Mitnick recounted a tale of a hacker who discovered...More »
  • Calling All Ghouls

    This Friday night, George opened a special topic line for Ghouls and Vampires, which drew some interesting characters out of the woodwork. There was a vampire who said he was on the prowl on the street, but that he sucked energy rather than blood. A bartender from New Orleans...More »
  • Computer Security

    "Once you become aware of how a con game works you're in a much better position to defend yourself," reformed hacker Kevin Mitnick said on Monday night's program. He chronicled his life before and after his arrest for computer crimes, and offered tips to protect one's private...More »
  • Linda Howe / Kevin Mitnick

    Earthfiles reporter and editor, Linda M. Howe, is an Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter and author. Linda is featured every Saturday evening on DreamlandAs the world's most famous hacker, Kevin has been the subject of countless news and magazine articles...More »

Last Night

JFK & Alien Revelations / Awakening Psychic Abilities
JFK & Alien Revelations / Awakening Psychic Abilities
TV personality Mike Bara discussed theories linking JFK's administration with UFOs and extraterrestrial technology. Followed by Dr. Linda Salvin, who shared her remarkable paranormal journey and offered readings for callers.


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