Dr. John Neustadt

Dr. John Neustadt


Dr. John Neustadt is President of Nutritional Biochemistry, Inc (NBI) and NBI Pharmaceuticals Inc., and medical director of Montana Integrative Medicine. Dr. Neustadt’s research, with his partner Steve Pieczenik, MD, PhD, was the foundation for the Osteo-K product, an osteoporosis supplement that decreases fractures by 87% without any of the dangerous side effects of the medications. Their company, NBI Pharmaceuticals is now working with the FDA’s Orphan Drug division, which has been exceedingly helpful, encouraging and responsive, to create novel therapies for cancer, neurological disorders and mitochondrial diseases.

Dr. Neustadt was voted Best Doctor in the 2008 Best of Bozeman survey, surpassing more than three hundred medical doctors to win this award. He has published more than 100 scholarly research reviews and consumer articles. He is editor of the textbook, Laboratory Evaluations for Integrative and Functional Medicine. Dr. Neustadt, along with Dr. Pieczenik wrote the books, A Revolution in Health through Nutritional Biochemistry, A Revolution in Health, Part 2: How to Take Charge of Your Health, and Foundations and Applications of Medical Biochemistry in Clinical Practice.



Past Shows:

  • Alternative Medicine

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