Nicky Alan

Nicky Alan


Nicky Alan is a born Psychic Medium coming from many generations of psychics before her. She officially started her psychic work 28 years ago. For eighteen years she was also a Major Investigation bereavement trained Detective in Essex Police. Following medical retirement in 2003 she has been a full time psychic medium, spiritual teacher, writer and angel expert.

Since 2003, she has been a freelance paranormal writer regularly published in mainstream spiritual magazines. She currently has three columns, The Psychic Detective in Take a Break's Fate & Fortune Magazine and Diary of a Psychic in Spirit and Destiny Magazine, UK and Australia. She is also a resident features writer in Haunted Magazine UK and Australia.



Past Shows:

  • Applied Demonology / Psychic Visions & Angels

    Demonologists James Annitto and Carl L. Johnson talked about the nature of demons and their paranormal investigations. Followed by Nicky Alan on her psychic mediumship and angel communications.More »