Ed Okonowicz

Ed Okonowicz


Ed Okonowicz, a Delaware native, worked as an editor and writer at the University of Delaware, where he continues to teach courses in folklore, storytelling, communication and writing.He earned a B.A. in music education in 1970 and a M.A. in communication in 1984, both from the University of Delaware. A professional storyteller, Ed presents a number of programs throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. He is a member of the Delaware Humanities Forum Speakers Bureau and Visiting Scholars Program and the Maryland Humanities Council Speakers Bureau. He has served on the Maryland State Arts Council Traditional/Folk Arts Advisory Panel.

He is the author of 24 books. They range from biographies and oral history to short story collections about Mid-Atlantic ghost stories, legends and folklore. He also has written two murdery mystery novels set in the fictional state of DelMarVa.



Past Shows:

  • Miraculous Calls

    During Open Lines George kept the program upbeat with a special hotline for people who wanted to share their 'miracle' stories.More »