Helene Olsen

Helene Olsen


Helene Olsen is a multi-dimensional psychic medium who is a licensed reader with the city of Salem, MA. It’s her conviction that love never dies, and that our soul continues to rock & roll through time and space.


Past Shows:

  • Friday the 13th, Evil Entities & Open Lines

    In the first half, psychic medium Helene Olsen, a licensed reader in Salem, Massachusetts, discusses Friday the 13th, negative energy, evil entities and angels. Open Lines followed.More »
  • Disease & Prevention / Angels & Psychic Reading

    In the first half, Dr. Charles Simone discussed various medical problems and diseases and the preventative measures people can take to stay healthy, and touched on the recent Ebola outbreak in Africa. In the latter half, psychic medium Helene Olsen, a licensed reader in...More »