Pat Miletich

Pat Miletich


Black belt in four martial arts and US kickboxing champion, Pat Miletich, has trained law enforcement and military personnel for 25 years. He healed his lifelong respiratory illness, which eventually led him to studying soil, where he discovered that the same principles that strengthen soil and crops work for every living organism on the planet.


Past Shows:

  • Mineral Medicine / Healing Ancestral Energy

    US kickboxing champion and trainer Pat Miletich discussed how soil and minerals can benefit one's health and food. Followed by author Dr. Shelley Kaehr on healing with ancestral energy.More »

Last Night

Power Grid & EMP / The Creator Matrix
Power Grid & EMP / The Creator Matrix
Author Hugh Simpson and EMP expert Rich de Sabatino outlined possible scenarios that could take out the power grid, and how we can protect ourselves. Followed by health coach Cathleen Beerkens on developing your own 'creator matrix.'


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