Matthew Pauly

Matthew Pauly


Matthew Pauly is a family man born in Toronto, Canada of American parents, one a professor. After graduating from university in the mid-1980s with a degree in Sociology and Computer Studies, he held positions from programmer to chief scientist and consults to Fortune 500. Matthew is in the fifth year as a volunteer board member of his residents association.

Matthew's decade of non-consensual involvement in MK-ULTRA mind-control tests began November 22, 2005 in Toronto in the back of a 5-ton, armored military van, as a test subject for a "Joint Control, Unified Command 2005" (JC UC 05) training exercise featuring "enhanced interrogation techniques" and torture-trauma-hypnosis mind-control. Matthew believes he has a unique opportunity to make a difference by warning others of the resulting corruption in our democracies.



Past Shows:

  • Mind Control & MK-Ultra - JFK Assassination & Deep Politics

    First half guest Matthew Pauly, an expert in computer architecture and programming, discussed his experience being a non-consensual subject for mind control experiments. In the latter half, Russ Baker, an award-winning investigative reporter, talked about his ongoing work...More »