Richard Perez

Richard Perez


Richard Perez, publisher and "digital janitor" for Home Power Magazine has been living off the grid since 1970. He wants to change the way people make electricity and is an advocate of small-scale renewable energy that can solve many of our environmental and human problems.


Past Shows:

  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 5/30/01 when alternative energy pioneer Richard Perez gave tips on how to live off the grid.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 5/30/01 when alternative energy pioneer Richard Perez gave tips on how to live off the grid and generate your own power.More »
  • Living off the Power Grid

    Richard Perez, publisher of Home Power Magazine, talked about America's energy situation and how we can liberate ourselves from the power grid. Perez himself has been living off the grid since 1970, utilizing a combination of wind generators, photovoltaic (solar cell) systems,...More »
  • Home Power

    "Technology has given us the ability to make electrical power anywhere, on any rooftop or in any backyard," said Richard Perez, the publisher of Home Power. Perez, who was Tuesday's main guest, has been living off the grid since 1970, in a remote mountainous area in Oregon.More »