Justine Picardie

Justine Picardie


Justine Picardie was educated in London, Oxford, and Cambridge. She has worked as a journalist for the Sunday Times, the Independent, the Observer,and Marie Claire and currently writes for the Daily Telegraph, and is a contributing editor to Vogue.

Her book, "If The Spirit Moves You," chronicling her efforts to contact her deceased youngest sister, waspublished in the UK in 2002, where it has been on the bestseller lists. Thefilm rights have been sold, and a screenplay is currently being written,based on the book. Her next book, a novel called "Wish I May", is going to bepublished next January.


Past Shows:

  • Making Contact with the Dead

    Journalist Justine Picardie, the author of If the Spirit Moves You, discussed her attempts to contact her deceased sister, which led her to meet with a variety of psychics and mediums.More »