Deborah Pratt

Deborah Pratt


Deborah Pratt is an author, actress, director, producer and visionary. She made her first mark in Hollywood on TV series such as Magnum PI and Airwolf. As head writer and co-executive producer of the internationally acclaimed TV series Quantum Leap, she provided audiences provocative trips to the future and past. Her latest work The Vision Quest revolves around Earth and the fascinating state of humanity in the year 2165.



Past Shows:

  • Planet X, Consciousness, & Comet Elenin

    In the middle two hours, publisher of Mysterious World books, Doug Elwell, discussed his research on ancient references to Planet X which connects the work of Zecharia Sitchin to Biblical writings. In the first hour, writer/producer Deborah Pratt talked about her work on...More »
  • Angelic Communications

    Angel communicator Ann Albers discussed mystical dimensions, evolved spiritual beings, and demonic entities.Angels are like the nerve signals of the universe, and can be thought of as frequency beings, she said. Demons, in contrast, are disconnected from the field, and...More »
  • 2012, Climate Change & Parallel Universes

    Best selling author and expert in alien abduction, Whitley Strieber spoke about his research into 2012, which he's incorporated into his latest novel, 2012: The War for Souls.More »