John Quinones

John Quinones


John Quinones is a co-anchor of "Primetime Live" and was most recently a correspondent for "Primetime Thursday" and "20/20." He had previously been a correspondent for "PrimeTime Live" since November 1991. Quinones has also served as a co-anchor of "Downtown," covering unique stories for the newsmagazine that premiered in October 1999.

Quinones received a Bachelor of Arts degree in speech communications from St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas and a master's degree from the Columbia School of Journalism. He has won several national Emmy Awards for his work.

Past Shows:

  • Cells & Identity

    "We are not automatons to our genes," enthused scientist and lecturer, Dr. Bruce Lipton, who shared his concepts in the field of new biology. We all contain a "metropolis of 50 trillion citizens," --the cells in our body, which could each be considered sentient beings in their...More »