Carmen Reed

Carmen Reed


Carmen Reed, a mother of four, comes forth after being silent for over 15 years and tells her story of the terrifying events that her family had endured after renting a home that was formerly a funeral home in Connecticut. Carmen is now discussing publicly the details that were left out of the book, In a Dark Place and the documentary, A Haunting in Connecticut. Her intentions in going public with her story are to tell the whole story of her family's ordeal, as well as bring awareness of the reality of the spiritual realm.


Past Shows:

  • Extreme Hauntings Special

    You're lying in bed when you hear a weird creeping sound coming up your stairs. You think it might just be the wind, but the sound gets louder and louder. You peek through the sheets and see a figure cloaked in black standing in front of your bed. It leaves you paralyzed in...More »
  • Haunting in Connecticut

    Paranormal investigator & demonologist John Zaffis and his guest, Carmen Reed (third hour) told her story about living in a haunted former funeral parlor, and the disturbing details of what her family endured. First hour guest, Douglas Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence...More »
  • Hauntings & Demons

    Appearing in the middle two hours, paranormal investigator John Zaffis shared cases of hauntings and demonic possession.More »

Last Night

Natural Remedies / Appalachian Folklore
Natural Remedies / Appalachian Folklore
Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the human body's ability to achieve healing through natural remedies and supplements. Followed by author Mark Muncy on Appalachian folklore, cryptids, and eerie legends.


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