Tony Reevy

Tony Reevy


Tony Reevy is the Senior Associate Director of the Institute for the Environment at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is a graduate of North Carolina State University, UNC-Chapel Hill, and Miami University. His previous publications include articles in National Railway Bulletin, Railfan and Railroad, Railroad History, and other non-fiction, poetry and short fiction. His books are Ghost Train: American Railroad Ghost Legends, A Directory of North Carolina's Railroad Structures, Green Cove Stop and Magdalena. He serves on the boards of North Carolina Rail-Trails, the Norfolk & Southern Historical Society, which he helped found, and Railroad History.


Past Shows:

  • Ghost Trains & Railroad Folklore

    Filling in for George, Ian Punnett (armed with his new train whistle) welcomed author Tony Reevy during the first half of the program.More »