Regan Archibald

Regan Archibald


Regan Archibald is one of the leading peptide specialists in the nation and serves as a regenerative therapy and peptide consultant at the award-winning clinic he founded in 2004, East West Health, and now, Integrated Pain Specialists. Regan is the founder of Go Wellness and is the creator of the Peptide Mastery Course. He is a member of the International Peptide Society. Regan is the author of 8 books including, Never Stop Healing and Your Health Transformation.



Last Night

Future of Biotech / Intelligent Design
Future of Biotech / Intelligent Design
Molecular biologist Dr. Tim Harris shared insights into the evolution and future of biotechnology. Followed by Dr. Geoffrey Simmons on his transformative journey from Darwinian supporter to belief in intelligent design.


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