Regan Archibald

Regan Archibald


Regan Archibald, Lac, FMP, is one of the leading peptide, functional medicine and longevity specialists in the nation. His award-winning center, EastWest Health has performed 8,789 labs and counting. These comprehensive blood labs include 94 important markers that allow Regan and his team to understand the root cause of health issues. Regan is an international speaker and is the author of 9 books including The Peptide Blueprint and Ageless Future. His podcast, Unreasonable Health has featured thought leaders from many industries. When not traveling, Regan can often be found deep in the Utah mountains with his wife Jessica or his kids.



Past Shows:

  • Peptide Healing / Italian Folk Remedies

    Regenerative therapy specialist Regan Archibald discussed the use of peptides to improve health. Followed by herbalist Lisa Fazio on Italian witchcraft and herbalist remedies.More »

Last Night

Financial Upheaval / Near-Death Insights
Financial Upheaval / Near-Death Insights
Financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts discussed the current state of the financial world, and how we are in a period of significant upheaval. Followed by near-death experiencer Dannion Brinkley with his profound insights.


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