Rev. Demire Coffin-Williams

Rev. Demire Coffin-Williams


Rt. Rev. Demire Coffin-Williams, also called Phoenix, is Archpriest of the Correllian Nativist Church, and a licensed clinical mental health counselor in New York state. He is the founder of Holistic Wellness & Recovery, a private clinical mental health practice in New York. Demire holds a Masters degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Goddard College, a radical, liberal arts college in Vermont and is actively pursuing a Ph.D. in Pastoral Counseling Psychology.

Demire's therapy and teaching methods are considered de-stigmatized, de-pathologized, and de-colonized. He utilizes the power of faith, spirituality, and empirically researched interventions to support the healing of individuals and communities as well as to support the conscious development of organizations.


Past Shows:

  • Witches & Witchcraft / Werewolf Lore

    Phoenix Demire Coffin-Williams discussed witches, witchcraft, and the practices undertaken this time of year. Followed by author Paul Sinclair on Bridlington, UK folklore, strange sightings, mysterious disappearances, and werewolves.More »