Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds


Ryan Reynolds is a researcher who believes parrots are capable of higher order thinking such as conversational language or concept formation. As proof he cites a case study involving a parrot named Victor, who had a vocabulary of more than 800 words and thousands of phrases. The study shows how he pronounced these words and understood their meanings as well.


Past Shows:

  • Time Travelers & J.C.

    Friday evening's Open Lines featured a hotline for time travelers. A caller claiming to be from 300 years in the future said he traveled back in time to study the 'nuclear family' (a group consisting of a father, a mother, and their children) because it no longer exist in his...More »
  • Full Moon Open Lines

    It was Full Moon Open Lines this Friday night, and a number of callers reported that increased violence or unusual activities occurred during the full moon. For instance, a paramedic phoned in from his vehicle, describing his transporting of the corpses of two young men to the...More »