Angel Rivero

Angel Rivero


Angel Rivero has been in and around the French Quarter of New Orleans off and on since she was a child. She's been interested in ghostly and paranormal things for as long as she can remember. Angel is a licensed tour guide and has been for many years. She started her own tour company in 2003 following extensive training with haunted history tours. She has been involved with tours for New Orleans Ghost Tours under Don Becker and Old World Tours. Angel is highly trained in the history of the Quarter's macabre dark history, as well as general history required for all tour guides in New Orleans.

Past Shows:

  • Technology & Human Evolution

    Reporter and editor at the Washington Post, Joel Garreau talked about how we are engineering the next stage for human evolution through genetics, robotics, and nanotechnologies. There is an increasing emphasis on interfacing the mind with machines, he noted, citing recent...More »