Rob Karnafel

Rob Karnafel


Author and successful podcast host on the "Bigfoot Michigan Rob" YouTube Channel, Rob Karnafel covers the world of cryptids and all things strange.



Past Shows:

  • Farming Challenges / Bigfoot & Cryptids

    Author Brian Reisinger detailed the challenges facing American agriculture. Followed by podcast host "Bigfoot Michigan Rob"-- Rob Karnafel on Bigfoot and other cryptids.More »

Last Night

9-11 Responders & Societal Chaos / Baba Yaga
9-11 Responders & Societal Chaos / Baba Yaga
Founder of a non-profit organization helping law enforcement, Michael Letts, discussed 9-11 first responders and societal chaos in America. Followed by author Kris Spisak on Baba Yaga, an enigmatic witch and trickster from Slavic folklore.


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