Douglas Robinson

Douglas Robinson


Douglas Robinson is the author of the Silently Series storyline – stories about a modern-day vampyric girl named Majken and her relationship with a young man who soon becomes vampyric because he was exposed to her blood.



Past Shows:

  • Bigfoot and Dogman

    Parker Duvall talked about Bigfoot and Dogman encounters. Mike Feltner and Mike Miller revealed their startling encounters with (and recordings of) Bigfoot.More »

Last Night

Metabolic Balance / Electronic Voice Phenomena
Metabolic Balance / Electronic Voice Phenomena
Jane Durst-Pulkys, PhD, discussed the metabolic balance program, which aims to reset metabolism, reduce inflammation, and achieve optimal weight. Followed by paranormal investigator Anthony F. Sanchez who delved into UFO and paranormal phenomena, ghost hunter apps, and EVPs.


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