John Ronner

John Ronner


Do angels or spiritual guardians actually exist? John Ronner worked as a newspaper reporter during the 1970s and 1980s, winning awards from The Associated Press and other news organizations. Since the mid-1980s, Ronner has spoken with hundreds of people about their experiences with angels.



Past Shows:

  • Understanding Angels

    Author John Ronner discussed the history of angels, and various types of encounters with them, as well as shared death experiences. First hour guest, author Jerome Corsi shared updates on the economy and the Shroud of Turin.More »
  • FDA Censorship / Unmanned Weaponry

    Constitutional lawyer Jonathan Emord discussed the conflict of interests found within the FDA as well as his research into unmanned military technology. In the first hour, author John Ronner talked about encounters with angels.More »
  • Encountering Angels

    John Ronner, an author of numerous books on the subject of angels, appeared on Monday night's show. "The angelic world is all around us, waiting to be tuned into," Ronner said, explaining that the spiritual dimension that angels inhabit may co-exist with our physical plane....More »
  • John Ronner

    Do angels or spiritual guardians actually exist? John Ronner worked as a newspaper reporter during the 1970s and 1980s, winning awards from The Associated Press and other news organizations. Since the mid-1980s, Ronner has spoken with hundreds of people about their experiences...More »

Last Night

Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Researcher and author Brooks Agnew discussed hidden aspects of the news and space exploration. Followed by ghost hunter and author Ross Allison on haunted toys and locations.


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