Ross Coulthart

Ross Coulthart


Ross Coulthart is a multi-award-winning investigative journalist and author. He hosts the popular Reality Check TV show and podcast as a special international investigative correspondent with the News Nation US national news network. He also co-hosts Need to Know with Bryce Zabel. Ross’s career has specialized in long-form investigations on public affairs TV, including as a host for Australia’s 60 Minutes and reporting for the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper. Trained as a lawyer, he has covered wars, investigated corruption, scandals and public interest stories for over 35 years as one of Australasia’s top investigative journalists.

Ross is a best-selling author of six books, including the UFO bestseller: In Plain Sight: An Investigation into UFOs & Impossible Science. In June 2023, Ross broadcast the exclusive TV interview with former NRO-NGIA whistleblower David Grusch on News Nation. Earlier this year, Ross also broke the story of Jake Barber, the first-ever first-hand whistleblower prepared to testify to his direct knowledge of a covert UAP craft retrieval program.




Past Shows:

  • UAPs: Media & Mysteries

    Entertainment executive Scott Carlin, journalist Ross Coulthart, and filmmaker James Fox joined forces for an in-depth discussion on their perspectives regarding the UAP mystery.More »
  • UFO Cover-ups / Death & the Paranormal

    UFO researchers Bryce Zabel and Ross Coulhart discussed alleged cover-ups by government and media of UFO sightings in recent years. Followed by researcher Joshua Cutchin on a new mythology of death and the paranormal.More »
  • Polygamous Mormon Sect / UFO Revelations

    Author Sally Denton talked about her book, The Colony, which examines the strange, little-understood world of a polygamist Mormon outpost in Mexico. Investigative journalist Ross Coulthart discussed revelations about UFOs and his 'Need To Know' documentary with Bryce Zabel.More »
  • UAP Investigations / Crystal & Human Skulls

    Journalist Ross Coulthart shared his investigation into UAPs. Followed by reporter Cheryll Jones with her interview of archeologist Mark Olly on human and crystal skulls.More »
  • UFOs & Cryptids / UAP Investigations

    Stan Gordon discussed his intriguing casebook of sightings, and how reports of UFOs and cryptids are often intertwined. Followed by journalist Ross Coulthart on his investigation of UAP.More »

Last Night

Rise of AI & Robots / Tesla's Mysterious Plates
Rise of AI & Robots / Tesla's Mysterious Plates
Author Joe Allen shared his thoughts on AI and the future of humanity. Followed by the "Wizard of Weird" Joshua P. Warren, who explained the energy frequencies harnessed by Nikola Tesla's mysterious purple plates.


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