Hugh Ross

Hugh Ross


Hugh Ross launched his career at age seven when he went to the library to find out why stars are hot. Physics and astronomy captured his curiosity and never let go. At age seventeen he was the youngest person ever to serve as director of observations for Vancouver's Royal Astronomical Society. With the help of a provincial scholarship and a National Research Council (NRC) fellowship, he completed his undergraduate degree in physics and graduate degrees in astronomy. The NRC also sent him to the United States for postdoctoral studies.

At Caltech he taught courses and researched quasi-stellar objects, or quasars, some of the most distant and ancient objects in the universe. Today he directs the efforts of Reasons to Believe, an institute founded to bring to the foreground the relationship between scientific discoveries and the Bible.



Past Shows:

  • Astronomy & Faith / Yoga & Healing

    Astronomer and physicist, Dr. Hugh Ross shared his contention that intelligent physical life, as we know it, is likely contained just to Earth. Followed by teacher Lauren Walker who shared the techniques behind Energy Medicine Yoga.More »
  • Surviving a Cult / The Creation of Earth

    Vennie Kocsis shared a harrowing account of life inside an ultra-fundamentalist religious cult. Hugh Ross made a case for an intelligently created universe.More »
  • Space News/ Earth's Singular Life

    In the first half, space historian Robert Zimmerman provided updates on the latest space news, including the SpaceX accident. During the latter half, astronomer and physicist Hugh Ross outlined the list of astronomical, geological, chemical, and biological conditions...More »
  • Food & Diet / Cosmology & God

    In the first half, physician and nutrition expert Dr. John McDougall argued that if people switch to a near vegan diet, high in starches such as wheat, rice, corn, and potatoes, they will actually be healthier, and able to lose excess weight. In the latter half, astronomer...More »
  • Cosmology, Christianity, & UFOs

    Astronomer and physicist, Dr. Hugh Ross, researched quasi-stellar objects, or "quasars," while at Caltech. Subsequently, he sought out scientific evidence and correlations for the 66 books of the Bible. Known for her work with angels, ascension, and the wisdom of Atlantis,...More »
  • Christmas Eve Special

    In a special Christmas Eve edition of Coast to Coast AM, George Noory spoke with four different guests for one hour each. First up was author and NDE expert Dannion Brinkley, whose new book Secrets of the Light is just out. He offered some of his predictions, stemming from...More »
  • Theology & Cosmology

    Appearing during the middle two hours, astronomer and physicist Dr. Hugh Ross shared his views on cosmology, ufology and life in the universe.More »
  • God, Man & ET Roundtable

    Four panelists joined together in a discussion on the issue of God, Man, & ETs, and shared their reactions to the possibly imminent NASA/ESA confirmation that 'We are Not Alone.'More »
  • Christian Astronomy

    "Planet Earth is almost certainly alone for having [intelligent] life," in our universe, asserted Hugh Ross, a Christian astronomer who appeared on Tuesday's program. Overturning the Copernican way of thought, Ross put forth the "anthropic principal," which states that the...More »
  • Hugh Ross

    Astronomer and clergyman Ross takes a Christian approach to the study of UFOs. Hugh Ross earned a B.Sc. in physics from the University of British Columbia and an M.Sc. and Ph.D. in astronomy from the University of Toronto.More »