Dr. Harley Rotbart

Dr. Harley Rotbart


Dr. Harley Rotbart is a nationally-renowned parenting expert, pediatrician, speaker, and educator. He serves on the Advisory Boards of Parents Magazine and Parents.com, and previously was a member of the Advisory Board of Children’s Health Magazine. His recent parenting books include, No Regrets Parenting, Germ Proof Your Kids, The On Deck Circle of Life and his beautiful combination keepsake journal/family activities guide, 940 Saturdays. He regularly speaks to large national audiences of parents, school, and youth sports organizations, as well as to community groups around the country. Dr. Rotbart also speaks widely to national professional organizations of physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals.



Past Shows:

  • Seven Life Principles / Parasites & Poltergeists

    Harley Rotbart, MD, presented seven keys for leading a "no regrets" life filled with more wonder and contentment. Followed by occult researcher Paul Eno on exorcisms, poltergeists, parallel worlds, and paranormal "parasites."More »
  • Predictions & Nostradamus/ Doctors' Miracle Stories

    In the first half, prophecy scholar John Hogue discussed his presidential predictions, which he has a 12-0 record calling correctly. In spite of Hillary Clinton's recent health problems, as well as the "shadows" of scandals that seem to follow her, he continues to foresee that...More »

Last Night

Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food safety expert Jeff Nelken shed light on the growing concerns surrounding food recalls and safety protocols. Followed by novelist and researcher Stafford Betty on evidence for the afterlife.


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