David M. Rountree

David M. Rountree


Since 1976, David M. Rountree has researched paranormal phenomena from a scientific point of view. David is the Director of Scientific Paranormal Investigative Research Information and Technology, Co-Director of New Jersey Paranormal Resource Group, a professional member of the Rhine Research Center, life member of the New Jersey Ghost Hunter's Society, a member of the Audio Engineering Society, International Frequency Sensor Association and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. David's primary area of research is the study of Electronic Voice Phenomena, environmental alterations present during a paranormal event, and the search for the source of these alterations.



Past Shows:

  • Ghost Investigations

    Paranormal investigator David M. Rountree discussed his work using scientific methods for ghost hunting, which he hopes will help bridge the gap between the paranormal and science. Measurable atmospheric and environmental conditions seem to be related to unusual phenomena, he...More »