Marian Rudnyk

Marian Rudnyk


Marian Rudnyk is an astronomer, artist, planetary scientist, & author – all rolled into one. Schooled in planetary geology he began work at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), as a planetary photogeologist where he did mapping studies of such features as ice fractures on Jupiter’s moon Europa and lava flows on Mars. Later, as a NASA astronomer, he worked at Palomar Observatory as an asteroid hunter. During this time he made numerous named-discoveries, his first being Asteroid 4601 Ludkewycz. From there he moved on to managing JPL’s Planetary Image Facility & was on the imaging-science flight teams for such missions as Magellan at Venus & Voyager 2 at Neptune.

Rudnyk has also worked in Hollywood doing both traditional animation and digital visual effects for companies like Digital Domain & Walt Disney Studios Feature Animation. He was part of Academy Award winning visual effects teams on such movies as “Titanic” & “Lord Of The Rings.” Aa an author, he has penned his third book “INTERSECT: A NASA Astronomer Breaks His Silence About UFOs”



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