Gregory Sams

Gregory Sams


From 1967, Gregory Sams was pioneering natural foods in the UK, in partnership with his brother Craig. He opened Seed macrobiotic restaurant in Paddington at the age of 19, Ceres grain store in the Portobello Road soon after, then Harmony Foods (now Whole Earth Foods) in 1970, as well as being closely involved with Harmony Magazine and Seed, the Journal of Organic Living. He conceived and launched the original VegeBurger in 1982, built it up for six years.

In 1998 Greg moved out of food and into fractals, founding Strange Attractions - the world's only shop dedicated to chaos theory (London 1990). Trading as chaOs worKs, he went on to produce and license fractal images worldwide on everything from posters to book covers to fashion fabrics. Gregory spent the first seven years of the next millennium writing Sun of gOd, in which, as he puts it, the biggest elephant-in-the-room that you could ever imagine is unveiled.



Past Shows:

  • Miracles / Society & the Sun

    In the first half, author and expert on the paranormal, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, talked about miracles and the conditions in which they occur, as well as how to develop 'miracle mind consciousness.' People are tired of being buffeted by circumstances beyond their control, but we...More »
  • Solar Cycles

    Author Maurice Cotterell spoke about the solar minimum and the historical implications of sunspot activity on civilization. Appearing in the first half-hour, cultural pioneer and philosopher Gregory Sams talked about his concept of the sun as a living, sentient entity.More »

Last Night

Rewriting Hominid History / Funerals & Technology
Rewriting Hominid History / Funerals & Technology
Researcher Michael Cremo discussed the complex history of human evolution and the coexistence of various hominid species. Followed by death educator Mandy Benoualid on her passion for honoring legacies and the evolving landscape of the funeral industry.


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