Robert Schwartz

Robert Schwartz


Robert Schwartz is a certified hypnotherapist who offers spiritual guidance and hypnotherapeutic regressions to help people understand their life plan. In a personal session with a medium in 2003, he was astonished to speak with non-physical beings who knew everything about him - not just what he had done in life, but also what he had thought and felt. They told him that he had planned many of his most difficult experiences before he was born. Realizing that a knowledge of pre-birth planning would bring great healing to people and allow them to understand the deeper purpose of their life challenges, he decided to devote his life to the study of pre-birth planning.



Past Shows:

  • Processed Food & Pathologies / Soul Plans

    Robert H. Lustig, M.D. argued that processed food has been ruining our health for many years. Followed by hypnotherapist Robert Schwartz on how the soul plans out its life, pre-birth.More »
  • The Higher Self/ Soul Planning

    In the first half, author and psychotherapist Karen Dahlman, discussed connecting with the Higher Self and other realms in order to navigate through life's journey, and tap into one's source. In the latter half, hypnotherapist Rob Schwartz talked about how he offers...More »